2024 Workshops
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The NW/MET 2024 Conference will host a full day of free pre-conference workshops!
All tracks will be held concurrently on Tuesday, March 26th, so choose wisely!
The workshops are free as part of your NW/MET 2024 Conference registration! But space is limited! You must pre-select which workshop(s) you wish to attend. If you’ve already registered, you can return to Eventbrite and select a workshop addon at no additional cost.
Select your sessions as part of your registration. Even if you’ve already registered, you must return to Eventbrite to select your workshop sessions if you’d like to attend.
You should expect to bring a laptop with you to participate in the workshops. Additional materials will be provided by the trainer. Some workshops have recommended pre-requisites. See all the details below.
We have five workshop tracks. They are:
Tesira 201: Practical Principles
All Day Session
Entering the world of DSP programming has never been easier. Meant for those who are new to Tesira, this in-person event first allows trainees to become familiar with the entire platform of audio and video solutions. Focus then shifts to a hands-on workshop, where trainees who have little to no experience will build, from the ground up, the hardware and software configuration for a small UC based conferencing system. Tesira Practical Principles is the ideal opportunity to learn-by-doing and see how approachable, yet powerful a Tesira solution can be.
Accreditation: 3.5 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: None (Tesira 101 Core Concepts is recommended, but not required for enrollment)
Presented by
Q-SYS Architect
AM Session
Q-SYS Architect Training is an entry level to Q-SYS Ecosystem. It empowers you to specify your next Q-SYS installation, with no programming or commissioning knowledge required. Perfect for AV consultants, end-users, pre-sales engineers and those who design or specify Q-SYS systems.
Accreditation: 2.0 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: Register for a QSCID with your .EDU address for credit.
Q-SYS Technician Jumpstart
PM Session
Incorporates the “Introduction to Q-SYS Designer and Core Manager”, “Planning Clocking Domains – Dante | Q-LAN | AES67” and “Best Practices with Gain Structure & AEC” courses (60 minutes each)
Accreditation: 1.5 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: Q-SYS Level 1 Online: Hardware Overview (15 min) & Software Overview (67 min).
Presented by
Dante Certification Level 1, Second Edition
AM Session
This training introduces attendees to the Dante platform. It offers fundamental knowledge on digital audio, networking addresses and how to use Dante Controller with your Dante devices. This is enough knowledge to operate a Dante system in daisy chain mode or on a single network switch.
Accreditation: 3.0 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: Pass the Dante Level 1 Certification test after the course for AVIXA credit.
Dante Certification Level 2, Second Edition
PM Session
Dante Certification Level 2 offers a deeper explanation of how to create larger networks. This class offers insights on how much bandwidth is used, how to manage it, basic optimization, and factors if you wish to synchronize to an external clock. Level 2 is helpful when working on systems that will involve multiple network switches.
Accreditation: 3.0 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: Pass the Dante Level 2 Certification test after the course for AVIXA credit.
Presented by Audinate
Crestron Network Solutions – Design (CNS-D)
All Day Session
This one-day course will serve as an introduction to the world of computer networking design for Crestron products. Focus is on how A/V technology design integrates into the modern-day network. It is crucial for those in the A/V industry to embrace the computer network and include networking as part of an industry skill set. This course is an introduction to the design concepts and decisions needed when working with the IT and networking world. Participants will also be given the opportunity to get hands on experience with the Netgear line of AV switches.
Accreditation: 3.5 AVIXA CTS RU Credits
Requirements: Register at the Crestron Technical Institute (CTI).
Presented by
NEW! Atlona: Classroom Design – Small, Medium, and Large
AM Session
Entering the world of classroom setup and interface setup has never been more important. Meant for those who are new to Atlona, this in-person, and hands on event, first allows trainees to become familiar with the Velocity control platform, Omega video/audio switchers, and other video solutions. Included in the training, attendees will configure the NEW AT-VKP-8E, designed for single room solutions using the Atlona Cloud, first released at ISE 2024. Attendees will also configure the NEW Omega “classroom” series switcher. Attendees will also design larger classroom spaces using the Velocity control platform. This hands-on workshop will allow attendees to build, from the ground up, the hardware and software configuration for a small classroom, a mid-size classroom and then a larger space. Atlona Classroom Design Small to Large is the ideal opportunity to learn-by-doing and become more familiar with a “configuration based” software platform.
Accreditation: AVIXA CTS RU Credits Pending
Requirements: Atlona on-line classes 101 and 201 are recommended. Register here for each class individually and use code NW. Each on-line class is roughly 2 hours and qualifies for Avixa CTS RU credits.
Products covered:
(Recently released) AT-VKP-8E: Velocity™ 8 Button Keypad Controller and Configuration
(Recently released) AT-OME-CS31-SA: Omega AV Switcher, Mixer Amplifier, and USB Hub
Velocity System – AV Control, Room Scheduling, Asset Management
Atlona OmniStream AV over IP: Simple Networked AV
Presented by