2019 Sponsor Information

The Northwest Managers of Educational Technology have always benefited from a close relationship between attendees from higher education and the manufacturers and vendors who sponsor the conference. In 2018, more than 30 different sponsors were represented at NW/MET 2018.
If you would like to exhibit at NWMET 2019, Please contact NWMET2019@unlv.edu for further information. We would love to have you!
Sponsorship Levels
The link below details the four available sponsorship levels and benefits of each. Additional items are available for purchase by exhibitors as an add-on to the benefits from the sponsorship level.
View Sponsorship Levels and Additional Items
Sponsor Registration
Use the link below to purchase your sponsorship level and any additional items through Eventbrite.
Sponsor Information
View the FAQ, load-in/out details, shipping information, and sponsor terms and conditions.
View Sponsor Information Packet
Where is my exhibit space?
NWMET will be located in the Hard Rock Hotel Muse Hall. Vendors / Sponsors will be in rooms D,E,F,G,H,I.
Where can I send swag?
Do you have stickers, pens, or other materials you want to be included in the attendee swag bag? You’ll need a minimum quantity of 125 items. Send them by April 5, 2018 to the following address:
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
Mail Stop 1032 C/O Frank Alaimo
Las Vegas, NV 89154
What meals are included?
All meals are included.
I have another question…
Didn’t get all your questions answered? Contact us at nwmet2019@unlv.edu and we’ll be happy to assist you.