2018 Sponsor and Vendor Information

The Northwest Managers of Educational Technology have always benefited from a close relationship between attendees from higher education and the manufacturers and vendors who sponsor the conference. In 2018, more than 30 different sponsors will be represented at NW/MET.

Our 2018 NW/MET Conference sponsors are:

Platinum Level

Crestron Logo Diversified Epson
Kaltura Logo LightWerks Shure


Gold Level

Atlona Logo ClearOne Computer Comfort
Digital Projection Extron Logo FSR
Mersive Technologies Panasonic


Silver Level

Aver Avidex B&H Photo
BTX Clear Touch Logo Klasstech
LG Lumens Marshall Electronics
Matrox Muckle Sales OWI
Panacast Planar QSC
Sony Spectrum Industries Troxell Communications
Visix Wolfvision Logo