2007 Conference
Mapping Your Future
April 12–14, 2007 (Thursday – Saturday)
Conference Agenda Special Event:
Includes a trip to the Evergreen Aviation Museum!
Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:00 Noon ad infinitum
- 1:30 Introductions, round robin (who are you, what do you do, special interests)
- 2:30 Break
- 2:45-3:30; Panel discussion: “Consequences of Independence, Merger with IT Departments and Merger with Teaching/Learning Centers”
- 3:30-4:15; (Practices/Classroom Thread) “Making Successful Enhanced Classrooms on a Very Limited Budget,” Kees Hof, Langara College (Management) “An Invitation for Success: A Proactive Program for Classroom Equipment Instruction”, Stacy DeHart, University of Oregon
- 4:15-6:00; Common Threads (Sessions similar to birds-of-a-feather, interest groups; Director Issues, Classroom Support, ID/Faculty Development; New Technologies; Ad Hoc)
- 6:30 – Dinner and keynoter – Heather Chavin Plank “Rediscovering Meaning in Your Work”
- Heather Chavin Plank is an instructor and counselor specializing in the improvement of workplace relationships by teaching concrete skills in interactive, dynamic trainings. For organizations seeking to improve communication, working relationships, or diversity and inclusivity, Heather brings the hands-on, practice oriented approach required for lasting change. Heather currently works for Clackamas County providing both counseling and instructional services targeted to improving individuals’ abilities to integrate into workplace cultures.
- 8:30 – Board meeting (consideration of changed dues structure)
Friday, April 13, 2007:
- 7:30-8:30AM Buffet breakfast
- 8:30-10:00 – Keynote with Maggie Lynch (check out her home page at http://web.pdx.edu/~mmlynch/). Dr. Maggie McVay Lynch has over 30 years in education, with the past two decades working online in some capacity. Her background includes K-12, higher education, and private industry. Dr. Lynch is currently the Director of Statewide Teaching and Learning Services at Oregon Health and Sciences University where she provides strategic direction and support for administrators, faculty and students engaged in both classroom-based instruction and e-learning. She also consults with other higher education institutions around the world regarding e-learning systems development and management. Outside of her many contracts in the U.S., her consulting has taken her to Australia, Canada, China, England, Germany, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and the United Arab Emirates.
- Vendors will set up around periphery of large room we will eat in. They will stay there all day for drop-ins. Each vendor will be allowed a 5 minute presentation at lunch.
- 10:00 – Break
- 10:15-11:15 (Classroom Thread) “New Technology in Today’s Modern Classrooms,” Joe Watson, WSU
- (Management Thread) “Our Journey to Moodle”, Blake Beck, Idaho State University
- (Practices Thread) “A Customer-Based Approach to Equipment Repair”, Michael Thompson, University of Oregon
- 11:15-12:00 – (Classroom Thread) “A Case Study of the New Interactive Learning Center Building at Boise State University,” Bill Cottle, BSU
- (Practices Thread) The PACE Program (http://www.lcsc.edu/education/pace/) at Lewis-Clark State College, Dave Taylor, LCSC
- (Applications Thread) “ A Comparison of Mediasite and Breeze”, Robert Schmitt, Portland Community College & Jim Blodget, Chemeketa Commmunity College
- 12:00-1:00 – Lunch
- 1:00- 2:15 – Caucuses meet
- 2:15 – 4:15 Vendor showcase or time on your own
- 4:30 Buses leave for Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville
- 6:00 – Tours of Evergreen; gift shop open; cash bar
- 7:00 – Catered dinner at the Museum – Catered by Delilah’s of Portland
- 8:00 – Further exploration of the Museum
- 9-10 – Board buses and return to University Place
Saturday, April 14, 2007:
- 7:30-9:00AM Buffet breakfast
- 9:00 AM – General Business Meeting
- 10:00 AM (Management) “Distance Learning Outcomes: Accreditation! Oh My!”, Ed Bachmann, Pierce College District
- (Classroom thread) “Flexible learning spaces: the integration of pedagogy, physical design, and instructional technology”, Beckie Etheridge, UW, Tacoma
- (Practices Thread) “CAVET: Portland State University’s Student-Based Campus-Wide Event Support Model”, Doug McCartney, PSU
- 11:00 AM – Wrap-up with evaluation, discussion of future events
- 12:00 N – Box lunch
- Afternoon – Campus tours of Portland State and Lewis & Clark College will be offered. These will occur only if enough people sign up.